Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 7 Reading

Since the last set of reading was about wayfinding systems, this chapter about printed material and visual navigation, i felt there were many parallels between the two. When a reader is revisiting a magazine or referencing an archived paper, it makes it so much simpler if there are consistencies between them. The consistencies talked about were fonts, icons, sizes, grid systems, and other layout styles. These are the same issues and design problems that the wayfinding chapter sought to solve. The "Emotion + Information" graphic was sweet though, and presented an interesting approach to presenting information. But it's also just like a pretty wrapped present with coal inside, it looks good, but whats inside is still boring. Haha, i dont know if that worked like i meant it too, but it's funny to look back on.   


Week 6 Reading

This weeks reading was about wayfinding systems, designing for navigation, signage, and interactive spaces. The chapter examines specific companies and their roles in the creation of a wayfinding system for their clients. I was particularly drawn to the companies who did projects like my infographic final will be, which is a wayfinding system for Uwajimaya, a small shopping mall. Hunt Design did a wayfinding system for Fort Baker which will serve as important insporitation for the signage i plan to deploy to Uwajimaya. There are 2 pictures in particular: the map, and the vertical icon sign for trails. The vertical sign especially, since Uwajimaya is an Asian style market, the signage could read vertically. If done well, it would be instantly understood to all people. For the map, Mijksenaar designed a map for a public space in Amsterdam which has a similar shape and similar amount of stores inside of it, that it provides a great starting point template for information that i need to assemble.

Wayfinding Comics: these were super funny!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 5 Reading

I love reading about these preparatory methods for large application projects. I've referenced a site map, wireframe, and flowchart for a project tons of times! Seriously, if it's good and done right, it's a really quick way to answer a question about a feature, number of children, and other pieces of vital design and development information. These application revolve around content, and the content needs to be organized before it can be easily displayed and navigated. Taking these steps insures the proper delivery of the application.  


Browser Engine Popularity - Info Graphic

Week 4 Reading

  1. Color - (visit different cities) also
  2. Type Styling -
  3. Weight and Scale -
  4. Structure -
  5. Grouping -
  6. Graphic Elements -
  7. Imagery -
  8. Sound and Motion -