I loved that freakin intro about all the job titles and how they integrate the term information graphic design! I wanted to have each of these jobs:Array("interaction designer", "user experience designer", "Human Computer Interaction Specialist"). This list of jobs unfortunately were not the ones highlighted later in the chapter. This book does an excellent job summarizing the importance of information organization, and points out all of the places that we interact with it on a daily basis. I also liked how it pointed out our craving for a tailored experience, where it's obvious someone has tried out the experience enough times to have it perfect.
2 Things I've Experienced From The Preface
"What Floor, Please?"
Definitely wondered why P and G are so popular and so vague in parking structures and buildings with parking. If a floor has multiple bottom floor exits, show a name of it clearly at the entrance and use the same name in the elevator, duh. Avoid separating them by parking and ground.
"Cursing In The Aisles"
Its very discouraging as a shopper to have to read fine print to find the information that is commonly needed to make a decision. When other big words about savings take up the label, and the fine print has the versions it works with and the parts it's compatible with, it makes you think theyre hiding what it can do.
GDS Infographics
This guy is a huge collection of infographics all shared on flickr. it appears that they have done all of them, and they make it look like a ton of fun.
HTML5 Readiness
Totally awesome statistical infographic, with links a plenty for the even more curious viewer. This graphic is proof this person is in a user centered mindset.